At FACE Leawood, we understand the journey to achieving your desired results doesn't end in the operating room. Our commitment to your results extends beyond surgery, and we're here to support you every step of the way during your recovery.

  • Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on pain management medications, anti-nausea medications, antibiotics/antivirals, and any other medications needed to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. These prescriptions will be sent to your pharmacy prior to your surgery to ensure you have plenty of time to fill them. We ask that patients have two over the counter medications on hand after all surgeries: Tylenol (generic: acetaminophen) and Benadryl (generic: diphenhydramine).

  • On the day of surgery, our team provides you with a postoperative recovery kit that includes all necessary supplies that you'll need while recovering. Depending on which exact procedures you've undergone, it will include incisional cleaning materials, a face and neck compression wrap, and/or skincare products safe to use during the recovery phase.

  • As part of our dedication to enhancing your recovery experience, we offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as an adjunctive treatment option. HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which can accelerate healing, reduce swelling, and improve overall recovery outcomes. Our state-of-the-art hyperbaric oxygen chamber provides a relaxing and rejuvenating environment where you can experience the benefits of oxygen therapy firsthand. For patients interested in adding HBOT to their postoperative schedule, each session lasts approximately 90 minutes.

  • Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting your body's healing process after surgery. Our team will provide you with personalized nutritional recommendations to promote optimal recovery and enhance your body's ability to heal. We'll advise you on staying hydrated to reduce postoperative swelling, eating nutrient-rich foods to include in your diet, and to take a multivitamin to aid in wound healing and tissue repair.

  • Maintaining healthy skin is essential for achieving optimal results and minimizing postoperative complications. We'll provide you with guidance on skincare routines and products that are safe and effective for use during your recovery. Your skin is the icing on top and optimizing your skincare routine will help protect the investment you've made in yourself.

At FACE Leawood, our goal is to provide you with comprehensive support and resources to optimize your postoperative recovery and ensure a positive surgical experience. We're here with you every step of the way.